Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

The 3 Best Cheap Motorcycle Insurance Companies of 2016

hmm hmm more and I'm and mmm your watching a video from psycho crew has all on one sport bike channel subscribe today hey guys check out my new channel out talk about anything and everything not just motorcycle related cycle crews amato Hawks percent more tomorrow percent law subscribe today we're not here in the country just the way I like you yeah yeah I'm moon lemme mmm mmm yeah I'm my much don't match here low this anyways Lee that was my motorcycle maniacs I okay now I'm switch it over here to my arm call side okay today not want to discuss insurance for your motorcycle not there should help a lot if you are people out there that are contemplating a lineup a motorcycle we have had three different insurance companies that I can hear farm my experience where light haired Lee guy Cole progressive and State Farm now mind you before I got my my first motorcycle which was I Honda CBR R which is %uh excellent starter bike but anyways I call all the different leechers cares at least the major ones and %ah the cheapest insurance companies out there that are good insurance companies are the three I just mentioned those are going to be your time know they're gonna be the cheaper for you I'm yeah now what you want to do for our staff lead everyone to have insurance for your motorcycle most definitely leak eyes if you're Lee might get stolen especially comprehensive I which 

The 3 Best Cheap Motorcycle Insurance Companies of 2016

covers theft because wet darkroom you know you human you up you know if you don't get insurance for your bike made up like a friend of mine like that's a big part of it nice so we articles in Suzuki GSXR actually was a SS ma previous video but it was a within hours his bike got stolen heel is a South Florida he said he's gonna give it sure is but he was not wait to the following Monday what not tell them and I said their own way before he was gonna give motorcycles like to make sure the chief get insurance before you even ride the bike link to your covered he's right now are made in the party gonna luck with bob by man because I'm a fan of the fuck out here on the streets in america fuck with me man the not like duo in South Florida likes get stolen so fast mandate down there you gotta stay on topic like every second it says always softball right there look at the state your bike down there cuz what they feel is a steal ok you know a lot of times they'll just put him in a shipping box and set up you know overseas are set up to the Highlands or something and %ah to change the other been up on the bikes and some of them like what I believe what happened here was our they actually the person assault on the bike really did a scam on I'm yeah I put a tracker on the fight many followed him around it stole the fight that what he does least my friend told me this is what they're doing down to South Florida he found out that their you actually take all the parts of the bike you put it on not clean frame that Hansen you know I different not clean pin number then their reseller notice keep doing it over and over in over key make a profit of the same bike you know either they do that I like I said they put in a shipping container with a barge other stolen bikes and they said it you know %ah to the United States the cell you guys you have to it's a damn parity and itself months to get insurance on your bike man don't be it damn ball like he was he missed out I think UK like six thousand dollars to buy we lost six thousand dollars gone overtime I'm cell don't be a fall give 

Compare the Best Motorcycle Insurance 2016

insurers for you brightens no cannot give it back to what's best the best insurance company for you here's our Lee call the whole story you check out the rights you to verify it but not tell you State Farm is the cheapest but let me give you Lee and the best in my opinion Lee but I started off with aggressive that was the first company I got was progressive and let me tell you man stay away from progressive com that is why this should be a slow insurance companies out there year there'll near Chi Minh and they're not even achievements believe it or not low but first off let me give you are back story on them what I hear progressive when I live in South Florida had a headed on like a Honda Civic back and arm look at the law fender-bender somebody pull the front of me and our and I hit that the back at the barber as you guys know Florida no fault state but anyways the progressive would not work Hallmark card because dentil they made sure that I was the driver of the car so they had to wait for the police report so hot they didn't even start working on my car until like two weeks later side to get my car back and then there was another two weeks to work on it so I did how was it without a car for Mom because those assholes not just take my word for it it's starting to work on my car did the Fockers waited to get the police report to verify that I was actually got my car I was so pissed off man I had to get a rental car and that cost me a lot you know extra money that I had to pay that was unnecessary hand out so that really pissed me off without me and I cancel them weekend I went with another insurance company I think I'm shit I forgot the name the other chars comes with that I not move to Colorado the back to that Lee handout but I hate and and I have no idea why what what progress again for my scooter but the right was so low I think was like a hundred dollars per year for full coverage with a hundred dollar deductible on and 

How to Get the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance

Chinese scooters all this I jumped on it I figured I'd never need to use it but anyways Leo what gets me up with down with the scooter the was I we I got pulled over by the police I didn't have mom motorcycle endorsement I don't think it was a big deal on the scooter man I'll just cruisin in the neighborhood yeah I play not get the motorcycle endorsement the button out just you don't just esta not score around that the cop pulled me over and he's a real fuckin dick to me man not a game but he did you give me a ticket he let me go lemme am body fucking he was yelling at me man does like on summer tell you companies like fucking galleries like here to go somewhere else in is like on use pockets they're right back a few more gotta rush here on don't move stay right day on house like mad the fuck you talkin to like dead man have any per se nota I didn't say anything disrespectful to home low all I said I said okay from I don't say nothin else man many fucking yell at me and shit and also like fuck man what the fuck is wrong with his do but anyways the I have to give it to him know he was called to let me go he didn't give me a ticket or anything he said that I could ride it though he said I had to walk it for haven't told he actually took a heavy toll not at all just don't walk it over to a friends house but I i have any friends houses near there and you don't mind what ideas off of it to the our park that I jumped on that bitch in our own homes for as I could and I'm but anyways well when he pulled me over many top would have told I call progressives has a hand roadside assistance and our stockcall.com we and the they asked me was the breakdown a total no stupid I don't know why didn't you know I didn't say it was a bright not trying to be honest with them but I I just said I needed tell they said well that's not a breakdown we know we're not gonna pay to tell so it's gonna cost you whatever the FI years which is like shit like lead to a hundred dollars lease from route was up because that's what it would have banned so how was like that with the flat have a good look what's not that you get free roadside assistance with this shit the stipulations Mamluk that but anyways I like I said I don't the Moscow to what in the park took off work back home what that mediately cancel with those fuckers right away then I went with guy called the gecko also have roadside assistance as well the bronco was actually a pretty good company believe it not because what I crash said low side on this golden torrential rain going around a turnover some leaves on I thought to you guys man get be real careful out there ride in rain special NEC some reason but anyways law guy call yet they have immediately man the guy came out cut me a check shipped within like that wee
The 3 Best Cheap Motorcycle Insurance Companies of 2016
k cut me a check from my scooter I had no problems all but the only problem that I have with them that I didn't really care for them as far as their roadside assistance listed only cover thirty miles Lee cells if you went on a long trip they only cover thirty miles anything over that you have to pay for which I thought you know sup so that's something you need to be aware of a few when you get everyone to have some sort of a roadside assistance because specially if you take long trips out law then you might definitely you wanna consider getting AAA marquee coverage that I have because when I switched over to State Farm because they had actually had a lower rate for this not cbr actually from mind CBR R I actually hit that bike when I switched over to them and that their rate was actually cheaper link I called I don't know why did originally cost a farm in the first place because I have auto insurance the home I no but I I just thought they would be the most expensive I didn't even know consider them really protest a pharmacy cheapest but they don't have roadside assistance so you gonna have to the top item on the roadside assistance to get down like a set reply have the AAA party coverage which is awesome cuz they may provide a hundred-mile tell I think you get like three or four a year some like not never use it but you never know the com what you're definitely State Farm is best insurance cell and my cassette meant making here full coverage on it might get a proper here to have on their not be a full loud even care if you have like that two thousand dollar fight get the comprehensive manner less this believe they'll take they'll take some shitty bikes out there slowly she might feel steel Lee cell like I hit sure it's on a damn thousand-dollar Chinese coder that I'm glad I did because otherwise you know when it what I crash it out a bit out of our on a thousand bucks buttons actually I sold live part about that Chinese scooter by the way cannot actually made more money not pay for I cannot meet about fifteen hundred dollars and I'll be paid a thousand dollars I eleven hundred or thousand dollars for sought me like a good four hundred dollars profit pop a party not the Chinese 

scooter but yeah that's like spirits up and head any probs I'll tell you what State Farm and at least experience I have with a card past lear's if you ever are getting accident or anything in a blonde fix it a medially no questions asked matter that bullshit like progressive hands where r they have to make sure who the driver is an all that stupid shit I'm cell I'm rock progressive release from my experience at Noel some you guys out there will probably say here XI experience with them hey more power to you I hope they continue to be a great insurance company for you but I tell you I've been on the forms and a lot of people have been complaining about progressive lead to one thing that and not one guy said that somebody take this bike over in a parking lot not get sick cause extensive damage and arm progressive pay for it but they dropped them cell the kid like I said man i three my opinion hot go with State Farm that's my recommendation like I don't know about died near the other ones I don't know too much about Allstate mica said I call on all the major insurance companies long and the GPS llamarme progressive guy called State Farm also we without you got the point giving a motorcycle make sure you take take the MSF class not only is it not migrate class to help teach you how to ride a motorcycle properly I'll but it will help reduce your insurance rate as well Lee so that's something to consider although I'm you know I'm not gonna be a hypocrite here week as a no I didn't take the MSF class Lee but our
best motorcycle insurance comparison
 the payout may take the advanced skills I MSF class I don't know on house thinking about doing it for just I something to do maybe I can I you know do a video on that show you how that have works out Lucas the classes are really cheap ear I think it's like twenty and thirty dollars the job protect us all I have for you in this model balks elvis wanna give you my experience with the ish got the insurance companies about work with diesel some well advice so I got us all here for you it up next our pitcher dollars later also this and it's time for that or certain confused we're committed to doing you remember fanny packs back today people call your perceive your fanny pack but you know what cycle cruises bring in a back baby yeah yeah checked his mojo back and also talk about mom black box camera what's that ice mail saying he's hurt yeah and this moral all got talk about all you pussy ride is that and how you need to grow up a hacer check out my time-lapse video of arguably the best with the road in ohio better known as well to triple near call check out my video walkaround all the different colors up arguably the best on the streets the CD all gavel all day dad yeah show your motorcycle lock India Sportback graffiti apparel at cycle crews that dot com a subscribe to my blog overt cycle crews a doc comforted them great deals also click like on my Facebook page for new updates next Facebook dot com forward slash cycle crews out one


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