10 Easy Tips to take care of old/used cars — speed the development of automotive technology course continues to bring high-tech vehicles with different features and nilau] i offered according to needs of the consumer. Even so, not least also the community of various groups seeking and buying old cars for various reasons.
For those of you who don't want to throw too much of his money to buy the latesthigh-priced car, buy a used car or car long output can be an alternative for you. However, if you have an older car, you need extra care so that your car retains its performance. Here are some tips that you can follow to keep your car's reliability.
10 Easy Tips to take care of an old car to always Look like new
1. Clean the Car Regularly
What is meant by cleaning up here rather than just wipe the outer part only, butalso cleans up all the parts that you can reach, especially if you are buying a used car. Other than for the sake of convenience, the clean car can make you discoverother problems that may exist on your vehicle.
2. Fix the dashboard and steering wheel
Fix the inside of the car especially the part that You'll often come across like the dashboard and steering wheel. Adding cover can also cover the shortfall on the dashboard and steering wheel, making the drive to be more comfortable. If you don't want to add cover, paint or perform other modifications you can do.
3. use cover for seat
The cover is thick for upholstery can add comfort and avoid various impurities that can stain the upholstery directly. The cover also keep the stitching on the seats is not easy.
4. change the oil more often
For cars older than 10 years, oil change every 2500 km., emission levels will be suppressed and lighten the load performance. For optimal protection, we recommend that you use an oil with a viscosity of SAE 10 W-40 or 15-40 w.
5. Note the condition of the cable
Because cable already brittle more potentially to cause konsleting and make the machine can not be turned on, look at the condition of the wiring and replace thecable already brittle cable with a new one. Worse, the damage can also cause the onset of Sparks on the surface of the cord may cause a fire.
6. Take note of the condition of the ring
We recommend that you replace the piston ring which is already weak and rustywith a new one. Replace the ring would make the flow of gasoline become moresmoothly and make the engine noise is not rough.
7. Note the rubber buffer
Rubber buffer on the door can be easily torn over time. In addition to making your car become ugly, torn rubber will cause berdesing sound while driving and can culminate in problems such as leaking of rain water into the car.
10 Easy Tips to take care of old/Classic cars to always Look like new
8. Note the rims and wheels
Replacement wheels and rims that are already damaged and corroded can improve the performance of your vehicle. Although the cost is not cheap, replace the alloy wheels and wheel well is one alternative to customize your car so it has the appearance that suits your tastes.
9. car Paint
If the interior of the car need to be improved for the sake of passenger comfort, the exterior of the car need to be advised to keep the appearance of the car. The simplest way is to use the compound to make the car look shiny, or paint car paint if the anniversary already looks dull or many scratches. Further, you can modify the body of the car if you are willing to spend more money.
10. Use the cover when the Park the car
To keep the paint and exterior of the vehicle to keep it stylish, pakaikan cover on your car, especially if you're in the parking lot outside the garage. This can make the paint last longer fade and prevent the car from tree SAP, bird droppings or other shit which is difficult to clean.
Easy Classic Car Care Tips
By doing 10 easy tips to take care of old/used cars above, you will be able to maintain its performance and use Your old car like a new car. You will also feel the comforts while you are driving a new exodus. The repair step can also be done in stages so that it will not spend time and money at the same time.
10 Easy Tips To Take Care Of Old/Classic Cars to Always Look Like new